



发文时间:2020-07-16 撰稿人:

近 5 年代表性论文:

[1] JI, J.*, WANG Z., ZHANG R., WEI J.M., SUO Z., YOU Z.P., HU J.P. Rutting Resistance of Direct Coal Liquefaction Residue (DCLR) Modified Asphalt Mixture under Variable Loads over a Wide Temperature Range. Construction and Building Materials. 2020. 257.119489(SCI检索)

[2] JI, J.*, WANG Z., YAO H., WANG D., ZHANG R., DIAB A., DAI Q.L. A numerical study on rutting behaviour of direct coal liquefaction residue modified asphalt mixture. Road Materials and Pavement Design. 2019, -(-):1-15.(SCI检索)

[3]JI, J.*, YAO H., YUAN Z.K., SUO Z., XU Y., LI P.F., YOU Z.P. Moisture Susceptibility of Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) with an Organic Wax Additive Based on X-Ray Computed Tomography (CT) Technology. Advances in Civil Engineering. 2019,(2019):1-12.(SCI检索)

[4] JI, J.*, WU H., XU Y., SUO Z., WEI J.M., DAI Q.L., ZHANG R., DIAB A. Compatibility Evaluation between Direct Coal  Liquefaction Residue and Bitumen.
 China Petroleum Processing and Petrochemical Technology. 2019, 21(1): 90-100.(SCI检索) 

[5] J, J.*, YAO H., ZHENG W.H., SUO Z., XU Y., HAN S., XU S.F., YOU Z.P. Preparation and Properties of Waterborne Epoxy–Modified Emulsified Asphalt Binder (WEMEAB). Journal of Testing and Evaluation. 2018, 48 (4): 1-16. (SCI检索)

[6] JI, J.*, ZHAI P., ZHENG W.H., SUO Z., XU Y. A laboratory investigation into the effects of coarse aggregate angularity on performance of WMA. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering. 2018, 2018,1-11.(SCI检索)

[7] JI, J.*, YAO H., ZHENG W.H., SUO Z., SHI Y.F., XU Y., WU H., YOU Z.P. Preparation and Properties of Asphalt Binders Modified by THFS Extracted From Direct Coal Liquefaction Residue. Applied Science. 2017, 7(11): 1155-1164.(SCI检索)

[8] JI, J.*, YAO H., WANG D., SUO Z., LIU L.H., YOU Z.P. Properties of Direct Coal Liquefaction Residue Modified Asphalt Mixture. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering. 2017,1-11.(SCI检索)

[9]JI, J.*, YAO H., LIU L.H., SUO Z., ZHAI P., XU Y., YOU Z.P. Adhesion Evaluation of Asphalt-Aggregate Interface Using Surface Free Energy Method. APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL. 2017, 7, 156; doi:10.3390/app7020156.(SCI检索)

[10] JI, J.*, WANG D., SUO Z., XU Y., XU S.F. Study on direct coal liquefaction residue influence on mechanical properties of flexible pavement. International Journal od Pavement Research and Technology.(2017), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijprt.2017.09.006(SCI检索)

[11] JI, J.*, YAO H., SUO Z., YOU Z.P.,  LI H.X., XU S.F., SUN L.J. Effectiveness of Vegetable Oils as Rejuvenators for Aged Asphalt Binders. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2016, D4016003: 1-10(SCI检索)

[12] JI, J.*, YAO H., XU Y., SUO Z., YOU Z.P. Performance Analysis of Direct Coal Liquefaction Residue (DCLR) and Trinidad Lake Asphalt(TLA) for the Purpose of Modifying Traditional Asphalt. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering. 2016, 41 (10): 3983-3993.(SCI检索)

[13] JI, J.*, YAO H., SUO Z., ZAHNG H.N., CAO D.W., YOU Z.P., LI B.C. Rheological Properties of Modified Coal-tar Pitches. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2016, 29 (3): 312-319.(SCI检索)

[14] SUO Z., JI J., JIN S.S.  Intelligent Pavement materials with ecological active dust control technology. 4th International CEW event on Functional Pavement Design,2016,1-11.(国际会议论文)

[15] SUO Z., JI J. Components changes of bitumen aging and recycling with waste vegetable oils. the 4th International CEW event on Functional Pavement Design. 2016, 1-11.(国际会议论文)

[16] 季节*, 马榕达, 郑文华, 索智, 许鹰. 煤直接液化残渣对沥青-集料黏附性的影响 . 中国公路学报. 2018, 31 (9): 27-33.(EI检索)

[17] 季节*, 郑文华, 翟鹏, 索智, 许鹰. 采用原子力显微镜评价集料的微纳观特征. 建筑材料学报. 2018, 21 (4): 667-682.(EI检索)

[18] 季节*, 李辉, 王佳妮, 索智, 许鹰. 增容剂对煤直接液化残渣改性沥青低温性能的影响. 燃料化学学报. 2019, 47 (8): 925-933. (EI检索)

[19] 季节*, 苑志凯, 魏建明, 索智, 许鹰, 李辉, 石越峰. 煤直接液化残渣改性沥青低温性能的改进. 中国石油大学学报(自然科学版) . 2019, 43 (4): 166-173.(EI检索)

[20]季节*, 郑文华, 索智, 许鹰, 翟鹏, 徐世法. 有机蜡温拌沥青—集料界面黏附性 及其混合料水稳定性能分析. 应用基础与工程科学学报. 2018, 26 (4): 821-829.(EI检索)

[21] 季节*, 刘禄厚, 索智, 张艳君, 靳明洋, 宁向向, 贾晓鹏, 姚 辉. 环氧沥青混凝土抗疲劳层对柔性基层长寿命沥青混凝土路面结构的影响.交通运输工程学报. 2017, 17 (4): 1-8.(EI检索)

[22] 许鹰, 季节, 索智, 赵永尚. DCLR改性沥青宏观性能与微观相对分子质量分布关系. 建筑材料学报. 2016, 19 (5): 939-944.(EI检索)

[23] 季节*, 索智, 石越峰, 许鹰, 徐世法, 奚进. 热拌及温拌再生SMA沥青 混合料疲劳性能分析. 建筑材料学报. 2015, 18 (6): 1095-1098.(EI检索)

[24] 季节*, 索智, 文博, 石越峰. 水、温拌剂对沥青-集料界面粘附能力的影响. 中国公路学报. 2015, 28 (7): 1-6.(EI检索)

[25] 季节*, 石越峰, 索智, 姚辉, 徐世法. 煤直接液化残渣对沥青胶浆黏弹性能的影响. 交通运输工程学报. 2015, 15 (4): 1-9.(EI检索)

[26] 季节*, 石越峰, 索智, 徐世法, 杨松, 李鹏飞. DCLR与TLA共混改性沥青的性能对比. 燃料化学学报. 2015, 43 (9): 1061-1067.(EI检索)










访问量: 开通时间 :2020-05-12 最后更新时间 :2020-07-16