发文时间:2025-01-10 撰稿人:



  1. 李之红,赵霞,等. 交通管理与控制[M]. 人民交通出版社, 2024. 


  1. Xia Zhao, Yong Zhang*, Yongli Hu, etc. Interactive Visual Exploration of Human Mobility Correlation Based on Smart Card Data[J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2020, 22(8): 4825-4837.  (中科院1区TOP, IF=8.5)  https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9069438

  2. Xia Zhao*, Mengying Cui, David Levinson. Exploring temporal variability in travel patterns on public transit using big smart card data[J]. Environment and planning B: Urban analytics and city sciences, 2023, 50(1): 198-217. (SSCI Q1, IF= 3.6) https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/23998083221089662 (SSCI Q1, IF= 3.6)

  3. Xia Zhao, Yong Zhang*, Yongli Hu, etc. Modeling relation proximity of passengers using public transit smart card data[J]. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, 2022, 14(1): 163-172. (SCI Q1, IF= 3.6)  https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9054941

  4. Xia Zhao*, Yong Zhang, Hao Liu, etc. Detecting Pickpocketing Gangs on Bus with Smart Card Data[J]. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, 2019, 11(3): 181-199. (SCI Q1, IF= 3.6)  https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8745669

  5. Ming Wang, Yong Zhang, Xia Zhao*, Yongli Hu, Baocai Yin. Traffic Origin-Destination demand prediction via multi-channel hypergraph convolutional networks[J]. IEEE Transactions on Computational Society Systems, 2024, 11(4): 5496-5509. (SCI Q1, IF= 5.0, 指导学生一作,本人通信作者)

  6. Xia Zhao, Zhihong Li*, Hao Chen. Unraveling the propagation dynamics of passenger congestion in public transportation systems using big smart card data[J]. International Journal of General Systems, 2024. Accepted and On line.(SCI Q2, IF = 2.0) https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03081079.2024.2380917?scroll=top&needAccess=true#d1e167

  7. Xia Zhao, Pengpeng Jiao*, Yong Zhang, Chenjing Zhou. Exploring Passengers' Dependency Variety on Stations' Functions in Urban Subway[J]. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2021. (SCI Q2, IF=2.3) https://www.hindawi.com/journals/jat/2021/1733579/

  8. 焦朋朋, 赵霞*,  张勇, 胡永利, 尹宝才. 基于交通大数据的移动模式分析综述[J]. 中国公路学报, 2021,12(34): 175-202. (中文EI顶刊,本人共同一作+通信作者)

  9. 赵霞, 张勇*, 尹宝才, 等.基于改进k-means不完整公交到站时间填充[J]. 北京工业大学学报, 2018, 1(44): 51-59. (中文核心期刊)

  10. 赵霞,张依,李之红*,王强. 考虑混合车流网联环境的城市干线交叉口协调优化设计[J]. 市政技术, 2025, 3.

  11. 赵霞,高源,李之红. 交通枢纽行人异常行为分析研究综述[J]. 市政技术, 2024, 42(7): 124-132.

  12. 赵霞,高源,赵莉,唐嘉立,李之红. 基于XGBoost算法的高速公路短时交通流量预测[J]. 市政技术, 2024, 42(7): 124-132.

  13. Liu Wang, Yong Zhang, Xia Zhao, etc. Irregular travel groups detection based on cascade clustering in urban subway[J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2020, 21(5): 2216 - 2225. (中科院1区TOP, IF=8.5,主要贡献者)  https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8796407

  14. Xiulan Wei,Yong Zhang,Shaofan Wang, Xia Zhao,Yongli Hu, Baocai Yin. Self-Attention Graph Convolution Imputation Network for Spatio-Temporal Traffic Data[J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2024, 25(12): 19549-19562. (中科院1区TOP, IF=8.5) https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10705335?source=authoralert

  15. Xia Zhao, Zhonghua Wei, Zhixia Li, etc. Threshold Research on Highway Length under Typical Landscape Patterns Based on Drivers’ Physiological Performance[J]. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2015. (SCI Q3, IF=1.348)

  16. Zhonghua Wei, Xia Zhao*, Kewen Wang, etc. Bus dispatching interval optimization based on adaptive bacteria foraging algorithm[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2012. (SCI Q3, IF=1.305, 本人通信作者,硕士导师一作)

  17. Xuemei Chen, Zhonghua Wei, Xia Zhao*, etc. Conspicuity research on the highway roadside objects: a simulator study[J]. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2014. (SCI Q3, IF=1.348, 本人通信作者,硕士导师一作)

  18. 魏中华, 赵霞. 单调景观公路长度临界阈值研究. 北京工业大学学报[J]. 2016,1(42): 95-106. (中文核心, 硕导一作)

  19. 张蕊,高诗博,赵霞,等. 基于改进YOLOv5s的无人驾驶夜间车辆目标检测算法[J]. 电子测量技术, 2023, 46(17): 87-93. (北大核心)

  20. 林建新,刘博,赵霞,等. 基于混合约束自编码器的机动车工况智能构建方法[J]. 交通运输系统工程与信息, 2022, 22(02): 109-116. (中文EI顶刊)


  1. Xia Zhao, Yuan Gao, Zhihong Li*, Jiali Tang, Li Zhao. IEF-BT-GCN: A high-precision rail transit passenger flow prediction model with complex external factors[C]// the 27th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2024.(交通领域顶会Oral

  2. Xia Zhao, Pengpeng Jiao, Yong Zhang, Hao Chen. Exploring propagation patterns of passenger crowdness on public transit using big smart card data[C]//the 102nd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 2023. (交通领域顶会,Poster)

  3. Xia Zhao, Yong Zhang, Baocai Yin. Interactive Visual Exploration of Human Mobility Correlation Based on Smart Card Data[C]//The 99th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 2020. (交通领域顶会,OralEI会议检索)

  4. Xia Zhao, Mengying Cui, David Levinson. Temporal Variations in Daily Activity Networks Using Smartcard Data[C]// The 99th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 2020.(交通领域顶会,Poster)

  5. Xia Zhao, Yong Zhang, Ying Li, etc. Inferring heterogeneous mobility patterns based on spatiotemporal regularity in urban subway[C]//The 96th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 2017. (交通领域顶会,Poster)

  6. Ao Sun, Xia Zhao*, Xu Sun. Analysis and automatic detection of pedestrians running red-light at signal intersection[C]//the 24th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, 2024. (OralEI会议检索,学生一作) 

  7. Xia Zhao, Zhonghua Wei, Zhixia Li. Effects of roadside landscape patterns on driving behavior[C]//The 94th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 2015. (交通领域顶会,Poster)

  8. Xia Zhao, Zhonghua Wei, Zhixia Li, etc. Optimum Size Solution for Roadside Structures Based on FAHP Evaluation[C]//The 15th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, 2015. (交通领域顶会,OralEI会议检索)


  1. 赵霞,李之红,吴梦琳,王铮镝. 一种基于交通大数据的客流拥挤事件传播检测方法及系统. (授权专利号:ZL202410598275.3),2024.

  2. 赵霞,张勇,王铭,李之红. 基于多通道超图卷积网络的交通OD客流预测方法及系统. (授权专利号:ZL202311797056.X),2024. (专利转化10万元

  3. 尹宝才,赵霞,张勇,等. 一种基于交通大数据的个体关联强度自动检测方法. (授权专利号:ZL201811085836.0,博士导师一作),2022. 

  4. 张勇,赵霞,刘浩,王文婷,尹宝才. 一种基于模块度最优化的地面公交扒窃团体自动检测方法.(授权专利号:ZL201711399120.3,博士导师一作),2022.

  5. 尹宝才,赵霞,张勇,张可,王文婷. 一种基于监督学习的地面公交扒窃个体自动检测方法. (授权专利号:ZL201711399106.3,博士导师一作),2021.

  6. 尹宝才,王柳,张勇,赵霞,王笑吉. 一种基于轨道交通数据分析的异常出行群体识别方法. (授权专利号:ZL201710098940.2,主要贡献者),2021.

  7. 王立春,王文婷,张勇,赵霞,刘浩,尹宝才. 一种基于公共交通的异常事件的甄别方法. (授权专利号:ZL201810222646.2,主要贡献者), 2021.


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