发文时间:2022-04-15 撰稿人:

[1]  Li Zhao, Xizhao Wang(*). Seemingly Unrelated Extreme Learning Machine.Neurocomputing, August 2019, 355:134–142

[2] Li Zhao, Jie Zhu, Learning from correlation with random weight neural network.  International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics 2019,3635–3645

[3] Li Zhao ,  Xingzhong Xu(*) . Generalized canonical correlation variables improved estimation in high dimensional seemingly unrelated regression models[J]. Statistics & Probability Letters, 2017, 126:119-126.

[4] Li Zhao , Yan Liang, Xingzhong Xu(*) High Correlated Residuals Improved Estimation in the High Dimensional SUR model,Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 2017


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