发文时间:2025-01-16 撰稿人:


[7] Chuan-Lin Zhao, Hai-Juan Wu, Yang-Qi Sun, Hao-Qiu Wu, Dong-Bao Niu. A bathtub model with nonlinear velocity–density relation. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 648, 2024, 129944 (SCI)

[6] Chuan-Lin Zhao, Yangqi Sun, Haijuan Wu, Dongbao Niu. Pricing Model of Ride-hailing Platform Considering Rationally Inattentive Passengers. Transportation Letters, 2024 (SCI)

[5] Chuan-Lin Zhao, Ludovic Leclercq. Graphical solution for system optimum dynamic traffic assignment with day-based incentive routing strategies. Transportation Research Part B, 2018, 117, 87-100. (SCI一区)

[4] Chuan-Lin Zhao, Hai-Jun Huang. Experiment of boundedly rational route choice behavior and the model under satisficing rule. Transportation Research Part C, 2016, 68: 22-37. (SCI一区)

[3] Clélia Lopez, Chuan-Lin Zhao, Stéphane Magniol, Nicolas Chiabaut, Ludovic Leclercq. Microscopic Simulation of the Cruising-for-Trucks-Parking as a Measure to Manage Freight Loading Zone. Sustainability, 2019, 11(5), 1276. (SCI)

[2] Sergio Batista, Chuan-Lin Zhao, Ludovic Leclercq. Effects of users’ bounded rationality on a traffic network performance: a simulation study. Journal of Advanced Transportation. 2018.(SCI)

[1] Chuan-Lin Zhao, Hai-Jun Huang, Modeling bounded rationality in congestion games with the quantal response equilibrium, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014, 138: 641-648

[12]赵传林, 王钰涵, 武海娟, 等. 交通出行选择行为的量子决策实验研究[J]. 交通运输工程与信息学报, 2023, 21(02): 29-41

[11]赵传林, 孙正一. 考虑乘客异质性的公交运行模型仿真研究[J]. 计算机仿真, 2023, 40(07): 148-153

[10]赵传林, 靳思缘, 武海娟, 等. 自动代客泊车接受度及停车选择行为影响因素分析[J]. 科学技术与工程, 2023, 23(35): 15259-15268

[9]赵传林, 孙淑敏, 贺少松, 等. 考虑信息影响的理性疏忽出行方式选择行为模型[J]. 交通信息与安全, 2023, 41(06): 100-106

[8]赵传林, 齐琪, 贺少松, 等. 随机用户均衡准动态交通分配模型[J]. 工业工程, 2024, 27(01): 104-111

[7] 孙淑敏, 赵传林, 王钰涵, 贺少松. 交通文献计量分析——基于期刊的数据. 综合运输, 2022, 44(09): 102-108

[6] 贺少松, 赵传林. 正交试验下异质微观驾驶行为对交织区车流的影响研究. 北京建筑大学学报, 2022, 38(04): 89-95

[5] 王钰涵, 赵传林, 孙淑敏, 贺少松. 基于量子概率理论的出行方式选择模型研究. 公路交通技术, 2022, 38(04): 156-162

[4] 赵传林, 贺少松, 孙淑敏, 王钰涵. 基于理性疏忽理论的交通疏散网络双层优化模型. 交通运输系统工程与信息, 2022, 22(02): 239-246

[3] 赵传林,黄海军. 基于满意准则的有限理性用户均衡流量分配性质研究,系统工程理论与实践,2014,34(12):3073-3078.(EI)

[2] 赵传林,黄海军. 基于出行成本分析的公交系统乘车均衡模型与制度安排,交通运输系统工程与信息,2015,15(2):129-134.(EI)

[1] 赵传林, 焦朋朋. 考虑多峰的系统最优动态交通分配图解方法研究. 交通运输系统工程与信息,2018, 18(3): 133-138. (EI)

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