



发文时间:2020-05-02 撰稿人:


1、Dispersion state and humic acids concentration-dependent sorption of pyrene to carbon nanotubes. Environmental Science & Technology, 2012, 46(13):7166-7173.

2、Sorption of triclosan to carbon nanotubes combined effects of sonication, functionalization and solution chemistry. Science of the Total Environment, 2016.12, 580, 1318-1326.

3、Effects of weathering and rainfall conditions on the release of SiO2, Ag, and TiO2 engineered nanoparticles from paints. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2017.19:338.

4、High efficient removal of lead from aqueous solution by preparation of novel PPG-nZVI beads as sorbents. Colloids & Surfaces A Physicochemical & Engineering Aspects, 2016.10, 513, 306-314.

5、Fractional characteristics of heavy metals Pb, Zn, Cu, and Cd in sewer sediment from Areas in Central Beijing, China. Journal of Chemistry, 2016.8, Article ID 9724128, 10 pages.

6、纳米复合材料中纳米颗粒的释放行为及环境残留, 生态环境学报, 2016.5,25(7), 1244-1252.

7、Evaluation of chitosan coated nanoscale zero-valent iron for remediation of Cadmium. Proceedings of the 4th academic conference of geology resource management and sustainable development, 2016.12, 706-713. (EI)

8、Removal of Zn(II) from Aqueous Solutions by Adsorption using Different Types of Waste Bricks. Desalination and Water Treatment.2018,106:177-190

9、A Study on the Removal of Copper (II) from Aqueous Solution using Lime Sand Bricks. Applied Sciences.2019,9(4):2076-3417

10、Removal of Different Kinds of Heavy Metals by Novel PPG-nZVI Beads and Their Application in Simulated Stormwater Infiltration Facility.2019, 9(20):4213

11、Sorption of Triclosan by Carbon Nanotubes in Dispersion: the Importance of Dispersing Properties using Different Surfactants. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects.2019,562:280-288

访问量: 开通时间 :2020-05-02 最后更新时间 :2020-05-02