



发文时间:2021-03-19 撰稿人:

[1]Ying Xu, Moxuan Duan, Yunze Li, Jie Ji, Shifa Xu*. Durability Evaluation of Single-component Polyurethane-bonded Porous Mixtures[J]. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. SCI

[2]Ying Xu,Yunze Li,Moxuan Duan,Jie Ji,Shifa Xu.Compaction characteristics of single-component polyurethane mixtures[J]. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. SCI

[3]XU Y, LV X P, MA C F, et al. Shear Fatigue Performance of Epoxy Resin Waterproof Adhesive Layer on Steel Bridge Deck Pavement[J]. Frontiers in Materials, 2021, 7. SCI

[4]XU Y, CHOU Z, LI Y, et al. Effect of blending degree between virgin and aged binder on pavement performance of recycled asphalt mixture with high RAP content [J]. Adv Mater Sci Eng, 2019 . SCI

[5]XU Y, HE J, JI J, et al. Effect of pavement condition monitoring frequency with unequal interval on determining pavement service life [J]. Advances in Civil Engineering Materials, 2018, 7(2): EI

[6]许鹰,季节,索智,赵永尚.DCLR改性沥青宏观性能与微观相对分子质量分布关系[J].建筑材料学报,2016,19(05):939-944. EI

[7]许鹰,季节,张克东.热再生沥青混合料再生剂与旧沥青混溶状态测试方法——文献综述[J].公路工程,2016,41(01):1-5+23. 中文核心

[8]许鹰,James Tsai,季节.基于生存分析模型的水泥混凝土路面大修策略评估[J].中外公路,2016,36(03):76-81. 中文核心

[9]许鹰,季节,赵永尚,索智.煤直接液化残渣改性沥青胶浆高温性能研究[J].中外公路,2015,35(05):235-239. 中文核心

[10]XU Y, XU S, JI J. Measurement method of blending status between virgin and aged binder in recycled asphalt mixtures - A literature review; proceedings of the 10th Asia Pacific Transportation Development Conference - Challenges and Advances in Sustainable Transportation Systems: Plan, Design, Build, Manage, and Maintain, May 25, 2014 - May 27, 2014, Beijing, China, F, 2014 [C]. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). EI

[11]XU Y, TSAI Y-C. Financial consequences of delaying pavement rehabilitation: Case study using LTPP data [J]. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2012, 138(8): 975-82. SCI



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