发文时间:2021-09-02 撰稿人:

Xu, S., Li, S.* & Huang, W. 2020. A spatial-temporal-semantic approach for detecting local events using geosocial media data. Transactions in GIS. 24(1), 142-173. (SCI, IF=2.188, Q2)

Huang W., Xu, S.*, Yan, Y. & Zipf, A. 2019. An exploration of the interaction between human activities and daily traffic conditions: A case study of Toronto, Canada. Cities, 84, 8-22. (SCI, IF=3.853, Q1)

Xu, S., Li, S.* & Wen, R. 2018. Sensing and detecting traffic events using geosocial media data: A review. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 72, 146-160. (SCI, IF=3.393, Q1)

Xu, S., Li, S.*, Wen, R., & Huang, W. 2019. Traffic event detection using Twitter data based on association rules. ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, pp.543-547. (EI)

Xu, S.* 2018. Detecting local events using geosocial media data: A case study of Toronto International Film Festival. Canadian Association of Geographers - Ontario Division (CAGONT) 2018, Toronto, Canada, October 19-20 2018. (最佳博士论文奖, 所有参赛博士论文中的唯一1 篇)

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