发文时间:2024-10-31 撰稿人:

Chuanqing Xu, Liaojiao Dai, Songbai Zhang, Xiaoyu Zhao, Xiaoling Liu, Moritoring the status of Muti-wave Omicron variant outbreaks-71 countries 2021-2023, China CDC Weekly, 2024,6(41):1054-1058. 2024.10

Ningning Zhao,  Yuanhua Qiao, Chuanqing Xu, New relults on synchronization control of memristor-based quatrnion valued fuzzy neural networks with delayed impulses, Fuzzy sets and systems, 2024, 484,108940. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fss.2024.108940.

Chuanqing Xu, Kedeng Cheng, Lianjiao Dai, Songbai Guo, Xiaoling Liu, demand assessment of the number of inpatient beds in China based on the Covid-19 dynamical model, international journal of biomathematics, 2023. 2350098. Doi: 10.1142/S1793524523500985

Chuanqing Xu, Kedeng Cheng, Yu Wang, Sngbai Guo, Maoxing Liu, Xiaojing Wang, Zhen Yang, analysis of the current ststus of tuberculosis transmission in China based on  age heterogeneity model, mathematical bioscience and engineering (MBE), 2023, 20(11):19232-19253. Doi: 10.3934/mbe.2023850.

Chuanqing Xu, Yu Wang, Kedeng Cheng, Xin Yang, Xiaojing Wang, Songbai Guo, Maoxing Liu, Xiaoling Liu, a mathematical model to study the potential hepatitis B virus infections and effect of vaccination strategy in China, 2023,11,1530, https://doi.org/10.3390/vaccines 11101530

Chuanqing Xu, Zonghao Zhang, Xiaotong Huang, Kedeng Cheng, Songbo Guo, Xiaojing Wang, Maoxing Liu, Xiaoling Liu, A study on the transmission dynamics of Covid-19 considering the impact of asymptomatic infection, Journal of bilogical dynamics, 2023, 17(1):2244980. https://doi.org/10.1080/17513758,2023, 2244980

Chuanqing Xu, Xiaotong Huang, Jingan Cui, Zonghao Zhang, Yejuan Feng, and Kedeng Cheng, Meta-population model about immigrants and natives with heterogeneity mixing and vaccine strategy of tuberculosis in china. International Journal of Biomathematics, 2023, 16(7); DOI: 10.1142/S1793524517501066

Chuanqing Xu, Zhonghao Zhang, Xiaotong Huang, Jingan Cui, Xiaoying Han, The dynamic effects of different quarantine measures on the spread of Covid-19, Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation, 2022,12(4): 1–12, DOI:10.11948/20210326.

 Zonghao Zhang, Xiaotong Huang, Chuanqing Xu*, Xiaojing Wang, Songbai Guo, Methods and Applications: Estimating New Cases Among Athletes During the Winter Olympics Based on a Dynamic Model — Beijing, China, China CDC Weekly , 2022, 4(30): 660-664

Chuanqing Xu, Xiaotong Huang, Zonghao Zhang and Jing’an Cui, A kinetic model considering the decline of antibody level and simulation about vaccination effect of COVID-19, mathematical bioscience and engineering (MBE), 2022,19(12): 12558–12580. DOI: 10.3934/mbe.2022586.

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许传青, 纪振伟 ,冯业娟 , 崔景安*,带有潜伏期的狂犬病模型及控制策略研究,数学的实践与认识,2020年50卷05期.

许传青, 韩笑颖, 崔景安*, 纪振伟, 徐大舜.带有交叉感染的狂犬病模型及其控制策略研究,安徽大学学报,2019, 43(6): 1-9. doi:10.3969/ j.issn.1000-2162. 2019.06.001


Chuanqing Xu, Yejuan Feng, Dashun Xu, Mathematical Model For the central reaction of protein C in blood coagulation, Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2019, 101(1):1-17. 2019, 101(1):1-17.

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Zeng Yanjun, Liu Yuhong, Xu Chuanqing, Xiao-hu Xu, Hong Xu, Guang-ci Sun. Biomechanical properties of skin in vitro for different expansion methods. Clinical Biomechanics, clinical Biomechanics. 2004,19: 853~857 

Zeng Yanjun, Xu Chuanqing, Yang Jian etal. Biomechanical Properties of Soft Tissue. Science in China Series G(中国科学英文版G辑), 2003(3), 284-290  

Zeng Yanjun, Xu Chuanqing, Yang Jian, Sun Guangci, Xu Xiaohu. Biomechanical comparison of the rapid and conventional expansion of skin. The British Association of Plastic Surgeons, 2003; 56: 660-666  

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Xu chuanqing, Zeng Yanjun, Hans Gregersen. Dynamic Model of the Role of Platelets in the Blood Coagulation System, Journal of Medical Engineering and Physics.2002, 24(9): 587-593 

Xu chuanqing, Zeng Yanjun, Hans Gregersen. Simulation about dynamic Model of the platelets¢ role in Blood coagulation System, Acta Mechanica Sinica(力学学报英文版). 2002, 18(4),420~428. 

曾衍钧, 黄昆, 许传青.扩张皮肤移植后的粘弹性特性. 固体力学学报. 2002, 23(1): 1~7



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