



发文时间:2024-11-22 撰稿人:





2024-4 Wang, YC; Wang, LXJiang, ZYQu, MNMeng, ZYSun, QHDu, YJWang, YW. Non-dietary exposure to phthalates in primary school children: Risk and correlation with anthropometric indices, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2024, 286: 117203.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoenv.2024.117203

2024-3 YT Li, SH Zhang, ZC Guo, LX Wang, L Qiao, Y Chen, GT Fan, CJ Sun, YX Sun, YJ Liu, QH Deng. An in-situ versatile screening method for identifying SVOC sources in indoor environments. Environment International, 2024, 189: 108794. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envint.2024.108794. (SCI一区)

2024-2 RX Zhang, F Liu, LX Wang*, ZX Wu, LJ Fan, B Liu, H Shang. Dust-phase phthalates in university dormitories in Beijing, China: Pollution characteristics, potential sources, and non-dietary oral exposure. International Journal of Environmental Health Research, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1080/09603123.2024.2313184.(SCI三区) 

2024-1 ZC Guo, LX Wang*, YT Li, ZX Wu, KX Wang, JH Duan. Dust phase and window-film phase phthalates in dormitories: profile characteristics, source screening, and estimated gas-phase concentration and dermal exposure comparison. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-024-32019-4. (SCI一区)

2023-2 HC Sun, LX Wang*, ZX Wu, LJ Fan, F Liu. Dust-phase phthalates in university dormitories and their associations with dormitory characteristics, occupancy activities and habits, as well as environmental factors. Energy and Buildings, 2023, 297, 113466. (SCI一区)

2023-1 LJ Fan, LX Wang*, KX Wang, F Liu*. Phthalates in glass window films are associated with dormitory characteristics, occupancy activities and habits, and environmental factors. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023, 30, 32550-32559. (SCI二区)

2022-5 LJ Fan, LX Wang*, KX Wang, F Liu, G Wang. Phthalates in glass window films of Chinese university dormitories and their associations with indoor decorating materials and personal care products. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19, 15297. (SCI二区)

2022-4 JH Duan,LX Wang*, SH Zhuo, ZY Meng, F Liu, G Wang. Seasonal variation of airborne phthalates in classroom and dormitory, and its exposure assessment in college students. Energy and Buildings, 2022, 265: 112078. (SCI一区)

2022-3 YT Li, D Xie, LK He, AQ Zhao, LX Wang, NM Kreisberg, J Jayne, YJ Liu. Dynamics of di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) in the indoor air of an office. Building and Environment, 2022, 223: 109446. (SCI一区)

2022-2 YT Li, LK He, D Xie, AQ Zhao, LX Wang, NM Kreisberg, J Jayne, YJ Liu. Strong temperature influence and indiscernible ventilation effect on dynamics of some semivolatile organic compounds in the indoor air of an office. Environment International, 2022, 165: 107305. (SCI一区)

2022-1 AQ Zhao, LX Wang*, XY Pang, F Liu. Phthalates in skin wipes: Distribution, sources, and exposure via dermal absorption. Environmental Research, 2022, 204: 112041. (SCI一区)

2021-2 LX Wang*, AQ Zhao, KX Wang, F Liu. Phthalates in glass window films in university dormitories in Beijing, China, and exposure implications. Building and Environment, 2021, 196: 107813. (SCI一区)

2021-1 MN Qu, LX Wang*, F Liu, Y Zhao, XZ Shi, SJ Li. Characteristics of dust-phase phthalates in dormitory, classroom, and home and non-dietary exposure in Beijing, China. Environmental Science and  Pollution Research, 2021, 28: 38159-38172.(SCI二区)

2020-2 ZY Meng, LX Wang*, BK Cao, ZS Huang, F Liu, JP Zhang. Indoor airborne phthalates in University campuses and exposure assessment. Building and Environment, 2020, 180:107002.(SCI一区)

2020-1 LX Wang*, ZX Wu, MY Gong, Y Xu, YP Zhang. Non-dietary exposure to phthalates for pre-school children in kindergarten in Beijing, China. Building and Environment, 2020, 167: 106438.(SCI一区)

2017-1 LX Wang*, MY Gong, Y Xu, YP Zhang. Phthalates in dust collected from various indoor environments in Beijing, China and resulting non-dietary human. Building and Environment, 2017, 124:315-322.(SCI一区)

2016-1 JP Cao, JY Xiong, LX Wang, Y Xu, YP Zhang. A transient method for determining indoor chemical concentrations based on SPME: model development and calibration. Environmental Science and Technology, 2016, 50(17): 9452-9459. (SCI一区)

2013-1 JY Xiong, LX Wang*, YH Bai, YP Zhang. Measuring the characteristic parameters of VOC emission from paints. Building and Environment, 2013, 66: 65-71. (SCI一区)

2010-1 LX Wang, B Zhao, C Liu, H Lin, X Yang, YP Zhang*. Indoor SVOC pollution in China: A review. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2010, 55(15): 1469-1478. (SCI二区)


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[2] 庞雪莹, 王立鑫*, 马丽, 张微, 李晓男. 宿舍环境因素与大学生呼吸道感染疾病的关系. 中国学校卫生, 2019, 40(7): 1053-1057. (北大核心)

[3] 王雷瑶, 王立鑫*, 马丽, 张微, 李锐. 大学校园典型室内环境新风量调查与分析. 北京建筑大学学报, 2019, 35(2): 32-37.

[4] 王雷瑶, 王立鑫*, 李喆. 日常防护型口罩对PM2.5和PM10的防护效果研究. 环境与健 康杂志, 2018, 35(11): 1004-1007. (北大核心)

[5] 王立鑫*, 张微, 马丽, 庞雪莹, 李晓男. 高校宿舍潮湿和主观感知气味与大学生过敏性疾病及症状的关系研究. 环境与健康杂志, 2018, 35(6): 519-523.(北大核心)

[6] 卓思华, 王立鑫*, 庞雪莹. 北京地铁车厢内PM2.5和PM10污染特征研究. 环境污染与防治, 2018, 40(9): 1044-1049. (北大核心)

[7] 庞雪莹, 王立鑫*, 王丹丹, 江雨薇, 张舟同, 李宇航. 冬夏两季北京地铁车厢内空气品质研究. 城市轨道交通研究, 2018, 4:69-74.(北大核心)

[8] 李晓男, 王立鑫*, 宋佩瑶, 赵静野. 居室内PM2.5污染特征及影响因素研究. 环境与健康杂志, 2017,34(10):873-875.(北大核心)

[9] 张微, 王立鑫*, 赵祎, 杨晖, 侯书新. 大学生公寓内PM2.5暴露水平影响因素分析. 中国学校卫生, 2017, 38(7):1063-1065.(北大核心)

[10] 王立鑫, 张微, 庞雪莹, 张寅平. 幼儿园室内降尘中邻苯二甲酸酯暴露研究. 科学技术与工程, 2017,17(17):139-143.(北大核心)

[11] 熊建银, 杨韬, 张翩翩, 王立鑫, 曹建平, 张寅平. 基于SPME的室内污染物浓度的快速测定方法. 工程热物理学报, 2016,37(10):2191-2195.(北大核心)

[12] 李晓男, 王立鑫*, 宋佩瑶. 室内外因素对北京居室内PM10污染的影响研究. 科学技术与工程, 2016,16(29):141-146.(北大核心)

[13] 马丽, 王立鑫*, 汪丹丹, 杨晖. 秦皇岛市冬季某高校宿舍空气质量调查研究. 建筑节能, 2016,44(307):81-83. (科技核心)

[14] 李锐, 任臻, 王立鑫, 姚旭辉. 某城市商业综合体公共空间热环境数值模拟. 热科学与技术, 2016,15(3):241-248.(北大核心)

[15] 王立鑫, 姚旭辉, 贾海燕, 谭腾, 陈亚飞. 某高校大学生焦虑抑郁与空气污染的关系. 中国学校卫生, 2016,37(7):1036-1038.(北大核心)

[16] 姚旭辉, 李锐, 王立鑫, 任臻. 北京某建筑中庭冬夏季空调环境的数值模拟分析. 流体机械, 2016,44(5):72-77.(北大核心)

[17] 马丽, 王立鑫*, 申晓燕, 贾志翔, 杨晖. 北京市某高校冬季宿舍空气质量状况. 中国学校卫生, 2016,37(3):470-472.(北大核心)

[18] 姚旭辉, 任臻, 王立鑫*, 张寅平. 室内环境对学龄前儿童超重影响的Logistic回归分析. 中国儿童保健杂志, 2016,24(4):370-373. (科技核心)

[19] 张泽, 王立鑫*, 杨晖. 大学教室光环境实验研究. 照明工程学报, 2015,26(6):19-21. (科技核心)

[20] 马丽, 任臻, 王立鑫*, 李锐, 张寅平. 室内空气中挥发性有机物污染特征研究, 绿色建筑, 2014, 9:1-3.(科技核心)

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[22] 王立鑫, 李锐, 赵子鹰, 刘兆荣, 白郁华. 环境参数对硝基清漆苯系物散发的影响. 环境化学, 2014,33 (4): 584-590.(北大核心)

[23] 王立鑫, 刘兆荣, 王雪松, 白郁华, 张寅平. 溶剂型木器涂料VOCs急性毒性模型的建立与评价. 建筑科学, 2012, 5: 48-52.(北大核心)

[24] 王立鑫, 杨旭. 邻苯二甲酸酯毒性及健康效应研究进展和展望. 环境与健康杂志, 2010, 27(3): 276-281.(北大核心)

[25] 王立鑫, 赵彬, 刘聪, 林辉, 张寅平. 室内邻苯二甲酸酯(PAEs)暴露量分析. 建筑科学, 2010, 26(6): 73-80.(北大核心)

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