发文时间:2022-04-16 撰稿人:

1.  L.X. Peng, Y. Sun. 《A Study on Symmetric Products of Generalized Metric Spaces》. Topol. Appl (SCI). 231(2017) 411-429.


2.  L.X. Peng, Y. Sun. 《On the Modification of the Cauchy Convergence Topology》. Topol. Appl (SCI). 275 (2020) 107155.


3.  L.X. Peng, Y. Sun. 《Some Topological games, D-spaces and Covering Properties of Hyperspaces》. Top. Proc. 53(2019) 219-242.


4.  L.X. Peng, Y. Sun. 《The Open-point and Compact-open Topology on C(X)》. Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications. 201906001.

访问量: 开通时间 :2020-08-27 最后更新时间 :2022-04-16