发文时间:2022-04-15 撰稿人:

1. Li-Ping Sun and Kuang-Ta Chao, “J/psi Pair  Hadroproduction in  Nonrelativistic-QCD with 1S0[8] Contributions”, in preparation.

2. Li-Ping Sun, Kuang-Ta Chao, Long-Bin Chen, and Cong-Feng Qiao, “Next-to-Leading Order Corrections to gamma* -> qqbar(massive) Reggeon Vertex.” , arXiv:2201.09007.

3. Li-Ping Sun, D. A. Kosower, Yan-Qing Ma, and Yu Jia, “Next-to-Leading Order J/psi+1jet Inclusive Production at the LHC”, in preparation.

4. Li-Ping Sun, Hao Han, and Kuang-Ta Chao, “Impact of J/psi pair production at the LHC and predictions in nonrelativistic QCD”, Phys. Rev. D94, 074033 (2016).

5. Cong-Feng Qiao and Li-Ping Sun, “J/psi pair production at the Tevatron with \sqrt{s}=1.96 TeV”, Chin. Phys. C37033105 (2013).

6. Cong-Feng Qiao, Li-Ping Sun, and Rui-Lin Zhu, “The NLO QCD Corrections to $B_c$ Meson Production in $Z^0$ Decays”, JHEP. 1108: 131 (2011).

7. Cong-Feng Qiao, Li-Ping Sun, De-Shan Yang, and Rui-Lin Zhu, “W Boson Inclusive Decays to Quarkonium at the LHC”, Eur. Rhys. J. C71, 1766 (2011).

8. Cong-Feng Qiao, Li-Ping Sun, and Peng Sun, “Testing Charmonium Production Mechanism via Polarized J/psi Pair Production at the LHC”, J. Phys. G37: 075019 (2010).

9. Xiao-Hai Liu, Li Ma, Li-Ping Sun, Xiang Liu, and Shi-Lin Zhu, “Resolving the puzzling decay patterns of charged Zc and Zb states”, Phys. Rev. D90, 074020 (2014).

10. Peng Sun, Li-Ping Sun, and Cong-Feng Qiao, “The Next-to-Leading Order Corrections to Top Quark Decays to Heavy Quarkonia”, Phys. Rev. D81, 114035 (2010).

访问量: 开通时间 :2022-04-15 最后更新时间 :2022-04-15