

职称:副教授 硕士生导师


发文时间:2024-02-17 撰稿人:


 秦贝贝. 2022. 变与不变:意义构建视角下的中国建筑业市场化转型. 中国建筑工业出版社. 



 Beibei Qin, Stuart Green. 2022. Sensemaking in a socialist market economy: the lived realities of construction managers. Construction Management and Economics. (EI)

 Xingmin Liu, Beibei Qin*, Yong Wu, Ran Zou, Qing Ye, 2021, Study on Rural Residents’ Satisfaction with the Clean Energy Heating Program in Northern China—A Case Study of Shandong Province. Sustainability.13(20),11412;  https://doi.org/10.3390/su132011412  (SCI 2区)

 Beibei Qin, 2021, Organizational identities of Chinese contractor managers: Implication for safety perception and actions, Proceedings of the 24th ICCREM, Beijing, China. (EI)

 Beibei Qin. 2020. Making sense of ‘project management’—Chinese contractors’ perspective. Proceedings of the 25th CRIOCM, Wuhan, China.

 Beibei Qin, Stuart Green. 2019. Change and Continuity in the Chinese Construction Sector: Practitioner Responses to Bidding and Tendering, Proceedings of the 35th ARCOM, Leeds, UK.

 Beibei Qin, Stuart Green. 2019. Making sense of marketization in the Chinese construction sector: an alternative methodology, Proceedings of the 24th CRIOCM, Chongqing, China.

 Yinan Li, Neng Zhu, Beibei Qin*. 2019. Target Setting Outlook for New Residential Building Energy Efficiency Promotion in China: A Frontline Perspective Using Delphi (SCI 3区)

 Beibei Qin. 2016. Discourse of Competitiveness in the Chinese Construction Sector, Proceedings of the 32nd ARCOM, Manchester, UK.

 Ma X. R., Huang C. L., Fu Y, Gao J. X., Qin B. (2019), Study on Evolution of China’s Construction Industry Based on Input-Output Analysis and Complex Network, Technical Gazette, 26 (1), 208-216. (SCI 4区)

 Li, Y. N., Zhu, N, Qin, B., (2019), Major Barriers to the New Residential Building Energy-Efficiency Promotion in China: Frontlines’ Perceptions, Energies, 12, 1073. (SCI 3区)

 Li, Y. N., Zhu, N, Qin, B, (2019), What Affects the Progress and Transformation of New Residential Building Energy Efficiency Promotion in China: Stakeholders’ Perceptions, Energies, 12, 1027. (SCI 3区)

访问量: 开通时间 :2021-10-27 最后更新时间 :2024-02-17