发文时间:2023-04-17 撰稿人:


  1. 《温湿度独立控制系统评价与应用》,主编,中国机械工业出版社,2021
  2. 《基于BIM的Revit暖通空调系统设计》,主编,中国建材工业出版社,2020
  3. 《流体力学》,副主编,中国建材工业出版社,2013
  4. 《注册电气工程师执业资格考试公共基础辅导教程》,参编,中国电力出版社,2022
  5. 《碳中和技术概论》,参编,高等教育出版社,2022.
  6. 《低碳城市建筑环境-欧洲碳册》(译著),共同编译,重庆大学出版社,2014
  7. 《建筑环境与能源应用工程专业英语》,共同主编,重庆大学出版社,2014
  8. 《数据中心冷却节能技术:低能耗露点蒸发冷却系统》,参编,中国建筑工业出版社,2021
  9. 《国内外小城镇建设比较》,副主编,中国农业科学技术出版社,2006


  1. Runping Niu ,Xiaoyi Chen , Hua Liu,Analysis of the impact of a fresh air system on the indoor environment in office buildings,Sustainable Cities and Society 83(2022).
  2. 牛润萍,李浩,范莹莹.新风系统对室内CO_2质量分数分布影响的模拟[J].煤气与热力,2022,42(04):31-35.
  3. Runping Niu, Xiaoting Jia, Lizhi Geng. Study on the effect of porosity of hollow fiber membrane on humidification performance[J]. Scientific Reports,2022,4134.
  4. 牛润萍,贾小婷.开窗对汽车气动力和燃油经济性影响的模拟研究[J].计算机仿真,2022.
  5. Runping Niu, Yingying Fan, Lizhi Geng. Adaptability of a temperature and humidity independent control air-conditioning system in green office buildings[J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2021, 42: 102432.
  6. 牛润萍,范莹莹,孟富强,庚立志.新风系统在北京地区的运行控制策略分析[J].建筑科学,2021,37(06):36-41.
  7. Liu Hua, Chen Xiaoyi, Niu Runping and Su Yuhai, et al. Analysis of the Influence of Green Building Fresh Air System on Indoor Environment Based on Improved Analytic Hierarchy Process[C]//IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. IOP Publishing, 2020, 546(3): 032024.
  8. Chen Xiaoyi, Niu Runping, Liu Hua and Yu Kai. Analysis of the Importance of Fresh Air System to Indoor Environment of Green Building and Healthy Building[C]//IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. IOP Publishing, 2020, 546(3): 032021.
  9. Fan Yingying, Niu Runping, Yin kuichao and Geng Lizhi. Numerical simulation of air distribution and CO2 concentration in different air supply locations in winter classroom[C]//IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. IOP Publishing, 2020, 546(3): 032022.
  10. Run-ping Niu, Da-qing Kuang, Shi-zheng Wang & Xiao-yi Chen. Field synergy analysis of different flow patterns in falling-film dehumidification system with horizontal pipes[J]. Journal of Central South University, 2020, 27(8): 2353-2366.
  11. Runping Niu, Daqing Kuang,Shizheng Wang,Xiaoyi Chen. Simulation and experimental studies on the liquid desiccant dehumidification of horizontal tubes having a staggered arrangement[J].Journal of Building Engineering, 2020, 27: 100931. 
  12. Run-ping Niu ,Xiao-yi Chen, Zi-ye Wang & Da-qing Kuang. Numerical simulation of liquid desiccant evaporator driven by heat pump[J]. Journal of Central South University, 2019, 26(8): 2197-2213. 
  13. 吕浩,牛润萍,张睿航,匡大庆,陈潇义.基于中高温冷凝热再生的溶液再生器模拟[J].科学技术与工程,2019,19(20):328-338.
  14. Daqing Kuang, Runping Niu, Lina Lv and Xiaoyi Chen. The Cognition to the Temperature and Humidity Independent Control Air-conditioning System[C]//IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. IOP Publishing, 2019, 237(4): 042031.
  15. Xiaoyi Chen, Runping Niu, Lina Lv and Daqing Kuang. Discussion on Existing Problems of Fresh Air System[C]//IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. IOP Publishing, 2019, 237(4): 042030.
  16. 牛润萍,孟富强,王紫叶,王世政.溶液调湿空调冬季加湿特性实验[J].沈阳建筑大学学报(自然科学版),2018,34(03):542-549.
  17. 刘斌,牛润萍,魏绅.居住建筑开窗行为的研究进展[J].人类工效学,2017,23(02):81-86.
  18. 牛润萍,刘斌,王世政.冷凝内热源式液体空调再生器模拟研究[J].建筑科学,2017,33(04):115-122.
  19. 刘斌,牛润萍,魏绅.北京地区夏季空调使用行为测试分析[J].建筑学报,2017(03):114-117.
  20. 王世政,牛润萍,刘斌.平板降膜除湿场协同性分析[J].建筑科学,2017,33(02):83-88.
  21. 张睿航,牛润萍.相变蓄能材料在建筑节能方面的应用研究进展[J].材料导报,2016,30(S1):383-386.
  22. 牛润萍,王紫叶,陈敬东.水平管降膜管间流态的数值模拟[J].沈阳建筑大学学报(自然科学版),2016,32(03):512-520.
  23. 张睿航,陈敬东,牛润萍.影响水平管降膜管间流态因素的实验研究[J].科学技术与工程,2016,16(06):43-47+65.
  24. Ruihang Zhang, Jingdong Chen and Runping Niu. Experimental Research about Thermal Capacity Difference between Domestic and Foreign Plate Heat Exchangers[C]//MATEC Web of Conferences. EDP Sciences, 2016, 40: 05007.
  25. Jingdong Chen , Ruihang Zhang, Runping Niu. Numerical simulation of horizontal tube bundle falling film flow pattern transformation[J]. Renewable Energy, 2015, 73:62-68. 
  26. Zhang RuiHang, Wang Ziye , Niu Runping. Numerical Analysis of Heat and Mass Transfer Performance of the Packed-Type Parallel Flow Dehumidifier[J].Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 989: 3100-3104.  
  27. Runping Niu, Jingdong Chen. Experimental Study on Performance of a Cross-Flow Dehumidifier[C]//Advanced Materials Research. Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2014, 860: 1638-1644.
  28. 牛润萍,徐小龙.主动式太阳房相变蓄热地板供暖实测研究[J].建筑科学,2013,29(08):49-52+76.
  29. Lin QIU, Runping Niu, Min Yan. Comparison Analysis of Lower Temperature PCM on Phase Change Energy Storage Process at Different Models[C]//Advanced Materials Research. Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2013, 619: 557-560.
  30. Lin Qiu, Runping Niu, Min Yan, Jin Yang. Simulation research of angle action on fold-type board in air-heating collector[C]//Advanced Materials Research. Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2013, 706: 1562-1565.
  31. Run-ping Niu, Shi-jun You. Modeling and numerical analysis of evaporative condensing regenerator[J]. Journal of Central South University, 2012, 19(3): 824-828.
  32. Niu Run-ping. Modeling and numerical simulation of dehumidifier using LiCl solution as the liquid desiccant[C]//Advanced Materials Research. Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2012, 383: 6568-6573.


  1. 行业标准《绿色建筑节能环保技术适应性导则》T/CABEE 004-2020,参编
  2. 牛润萍; 吕浩; 一种无露点控制的空调系统及控制方法, 2020-03-24, 中国发明专利, ZL201710766168.7. 
  3. 牛润萍; 徐晓龙; 复合式主动相变蓄热采暖系统及其控制方法, 2013-5-21, 中国发明专利, ZL201310195054.3. 
  4. 牛润萍; 张睿航; 王紫叶; 一种蒸发式冷凝再生器, 2016-1-20, 中国实用新型专利, ZL201520113705.4. 
  5. 牛润萍; 徐晓龙; 复合式主动相变蓄热采暖系统, 2013-12-18, 中国实用新型专利, ZL201320286376.4. 


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