



发文时间:2020-05-18 撰稿人:


[1] Liu, X., Tong, X., Lu, W., Liu, S., Huang, B., Tang, P., & Guo, T. (2020). High-speed videogrammetric measurement of the deformation of shaking table multi-layer structures. Measurement, 107486. (SCI)

[2] Liu, X., Wang, H., Huang, M., & Yang, W. (2019). An Improved Second-Order Blind Identification (SOBI) Signal De-Noising Method for Dynamic Deflection Measurements of Bridges Using Ground-Based Synthetic Aperture Radar (GBSAR). Applied Sciences, 9(17), 3561. (SCI)

[3] Huang, M., Wei, P., & Liu, X. (2019). An Efficient Encoding Voxel-Based Segmentation (EVBS) Algorithm Based on Fast Adjacent Voxel Search for Point Cloud Plane Segmentation. Remote Sensing, 11(23), 2727. (SCI)

[4] Liu, X., Su, S., Ma, J., & Yang, W. (2019). Deformation Activity Analysis of a Ground Fissure Based on Instantaneous Total Energy. Sensors, 19(11), 2607. (SCI)

[5] Liu, X., Huang, M., Li, S., & Ma, C. (2019). Surfaces of Revolution (SORs) Reconstruction Using a Self-Adaptive Generatrix Line Extraction Method from Point Clouds. Remote Sensing, 11(9), 1125. (SCI)

[6] Liu X, Wang P, Lu Z, et al. Damage Detection and Analysis of Urban Bridges Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS), Ground-Based Microwave Interferometry, and Permanent Scatterer Interferometry Synthetic Aperture Radar (PS-InSAR) [J]. Remote Sensing, 2019, 11(5): 580. (SCI)

[7] Liu X, Li S, Tong X. Two-Level W-ESMD Denoising for Dynamic Deflection Measurement of Railway Bridges by Microwave Interferometry[J]. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2018, 11(12): 4874-4883. (SCI)

[8] Tong X, Luan K, Liu X, et al. Tri-Camera High-Speed Videogrammetry for Three-Dimensional Measurement of Laminated Rubber Bearings Based on the Large-Scale Shaking Table[J]. Remote Sensing, 2018, 10(12): 1902. (SCI)

[9] Liu, X., Lu, Z., Yang, W., Huang, M., & Tong, X. Dynamic Monitoring and Vibration Analysis of Ancient Bridges by Ground-Based Microwave Interferometry and the ESMD Method[J]. Remote Sensing, 2018, 10(5), 770. (SCI)

[10] Liu, X., Tang, Y., Lu, Z., Huang, H., Tong, X., & Ma, J. ESMD-based stability analysis in the progressive collapse of a building model: A case study of a reinforced concrete frame-shear wall model[J]. Measurement, 2018, 120, 34-42. (SCI)

[11] Ye, Z., Tong, X., Xu, Y., Gao, S., Liu, S., Xie, H., ... & Liu, X. An improved subpixel phase correlation method with application in videogrammetric monitoring of shaking table tests[J]. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing,2018, 84(9), 579-592. (SCI)

[12] Liu, X., Tang, Y., & Ma, J. Accuracy Assessment for the Three-Dimensional Coordinates by High-Speed Videogrammetric Measurement. Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering[J], 2018. (EI)

[13] Liu X, Tong X, Ding K, et al. Measurement of Long-Term Periodic and Dynamic Deflection of the Long-Span Railway Bridge Using Microwave Interferometry[J]. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote 2015, 8(9): 4531-4538. (SCI)

[14] Liu X, Tong X, Yin X, et al. Videogrammetric technique for three-dimensional structural progressive collapse measurement[J]. Measurement, 2015, 63: 87-99. (SCI)

[15] Liu X, Zhao X, Ding K, et al. Application of ground-based synthetic aperture radar technique for emergency monitoring of deep foundation excavation[J]. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2015, 9(1): 096021-096021. (SCI)

[16] Tong X, Liu X, Chen P, et al. Integration of UAV-Based Photogrammetry and Terrestrial Laser Scanning for the Three-Dimensional Mapping and Monitoring of Open-Pit Mine Areas[J]. Remote Sensing, 2015, 7(6): 6635-6662. (SCI)

[17] 刘祥磊, 童小华, 马静. 视频测量影像序列椭圆形人工目标点快速识别和跟踪方法[J]. 测绘学报, 2015, 44(6): 663-669. (EI)

[18] Zhang X, Shuqin K, Miaole Hou,and Liu X. Design and Implementation of a New-type Cloud Computing Examination System[J]. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 2015, 10(4). (EI)

[19] 周小平, 刘祥磊. 海量铁路机车 GIS 定位数据分布式处理技术[J]. 中国科技论文, 2015, 10(7): 812-816.

[20] 周小平, 刘祥磊. 基于组合定位海量数据处理的铁路机车安全距离预警[J]. 中国安全生产科学技术, 2015, 11(10): 103-109.

[21] Liu X and Ma J. Analysis of IOT Application of Oil and Gas Pipeline Based on the FEAF.PRM-AHP [J]. Journal of Software Engineering, 2014, 8 (4):409-418. (EI)

[22] 马静,刘祥磊. 三维可视化在城市旧区改造建设中的应用[J]. 国土资源遥感, 2014, 26(3): 170-174.

[23] 张继忠, 刘祥磊. 基于 4G 一体化技术的快鸟巡检系统[J]. 测绘通报, 2010 (11).

[24] 刘祥磊, 童小华, 马静. 一种将 GIS 矢量数据精确转换成 KML 的方法[J]. 测绘通报, 2009, 2009(3): 27-30.

[25] 陈超, 江涛, 刘祥磊. 基于缨帽变换的遥感图像融合方法研究[J]. 测绘科学, 2009, 34(3): 105-106.

[26] 刘祥磊, 马静, 江涛. 基于 Google Earth 管线巡检系统地图数据的制作方法研究[J]. 测绘科学, 2008, 33(2): 141-142.

[27] 刘祥磊,马静. 基于 ArcEngine 的 ArcGIS 矢量数据到 KML 文件转换方法研究[J]. 国土资源遥感, 2007, 19(3): 98-101.

[28] 马静, 刘祥磊. 基于 ArcGIS 道路多边形构面方法研究[J]. 遥感信息, 2007, 2007(5): 78-80.


[1] Wang, P., Liu, X., & Fei, L. (2019, April). The integration of water and soil based on three-in-one 3DD-P algorithm. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 490, No. 6, p. 062008). IOP Publishing. (EI)

[2] Gao, K., & Liu, X. (2019, April). Hyperspectral characteristics of vegetation height in Urumqi Nanshan meadow steppe in different months. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 490, No. 7, p. 072004). IOP Publishing. (EI)

[3] Liu M, Ding K, Liu X, et al. High-speed railway bridge dynamic measurement based on GB-InSAR technology[C]//International Conference on Intelligent Earth Observing and Applications. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2015: 98083C-98083C-7. (EI)

[4] 叶真,童小华,刘祥磊。普通非量测摄像机的标定研究. GIS博士论坛论文集,2012.

[5] Liu X, Tong X, Liu S, et al. Monitoring structure deformation during the building integral translation using consumer camera[C]// The 6th International Symposium on Digital Earth, September 9-12, 2009, Beijing, China. (EI)

[6] Liu X, Tong X, Ma J. Pipe patrol inspection system based on Google Earth and 3G integration technology[C]//Education Technology and Training, 2008. and 2008 International Workshop on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. ETT and GRS 2008. International Workshop on. IEEE, 2008, 2: 480-483. (EI)

[7] Ma J, Zhang Q, Liu X, et al. Research on data fusion for monitoring ground subsidence using InSAR[C]//International Conference on Earth Observation Data Processing and Analysis. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2008: 72855C-72855C-10. (EI)


[1] 刘祥磊, 赵西安, 张学东,庞蕾,丁克良。 一种用于影像序列椭圆形人工目标点快速识别与跟踪方法,ZL 2013 1 0462387.8

[2] 刘祥磊, 江涛, 马静, 庞蕾, 张学东。一种用于高速视频测量建筑物模型健康监测目标点加速度解算方法,ZL 20141 0 482638.3

[3] 刘祥磊,卢钊,周命端,吕京国。一种基于微波干涉的桥梁动挠度检测的方法及装置,ZL 201610866252.1

[4] 刘祥磊,卢钊,马静,丁克良。高层建筑摆幅测量方法及装置,ZL 201710340369.0

[5] 张继忠,张培宏,赵军,刘祥磊,马进,席晶。GIS矢量数据精确转换成KML的方法,ZL 2007 1 0018547.4


[1] 童小华,刘祥磊,陈鹏,高飒,刘世杰,卢文胜。高速视频测量理论方法与工程应用(“十三五”国家重点出版物出版规划项目:地球观测与导航技术丛书),科学出版社,ISBN 978-7-03-060688-4。

[2] 张学东,李颖,韩博,刘祥磊。典型形变场D-InSAR监测理论与应用研究,地质出版社,ISBN 978-7-116-11159-2


访问量: 开通时间 :2020-05-17 最后更新时间 :2020-05-18