



发文时间:2022-09-24 撰稿人:

1、Maoxing Liu, Guiquan Sun, Zhen Jin, Tao Zhou, An analysis of transmission dynamics of drug-resistant disease on scale-free networks, Applied Mathematics and Computation 222(2013) 177-189. 

2、Maoxing Liu, Gergely Rost and Gabriella Vas,  SIS model on homogeneous networks with threshold type delayed contact reduction, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 66(2013)1534-1546. 

3、 Maoxing Liu, Yuming Chen, An SIRS model with differential susceptibility and infectivity on uncorrelated networks, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 12(3), 415–429, 2015. 

4、Maoxing Liu, Liz E, Röst G, Endemic bubbles generated by delayed behavioral response -- global stability and bifurcation switches in an SIS model, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 75(1), 75–91, 2015. 

5、Maoxing Liu, Lixia Zuo, The impact of media coverage with a piecewise transmission rate in the spread of diseases, International Journal of Biomathematics, 10(1):1-10, 2017. 

6、Maoxing Liu, Shushu He, Yongzheng Sun, The impact of media converge on complex networks on disease transmission, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 16(6), 6335-6349, 2019. 

7、Maoxing Liu, Jie Zhang, Zhengguang Li, Yongzheng Sun, Modeling epidemic in metapopulation networks with heterogeneous diffusion rates, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 16(6), 7085-7097, 2019. 

8、Shijie Zhou, Yao Guo, Maoxing Liu, Ying-Cheng Lai Wei Lin, Random temporal connections promote network synchronization, Physical Review E, 100, 032302, 2019.(共同第一作者) 

9、Xinghua Chang, Maoxing Liu, Zhen Jin, Jianrong Wang, Studying on the impact of media coverage on the spread of COVID-19 in Hubei Province, China, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 17(4): 3147-3159, 2020. 

10、Maoxing Liu, Rongping Zhang, Boli Xie, The impact of behavioral change on the epidemic under the benefit comparison, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 17(4): 3412-3425, 2020. 

11、Lei Zhang, Maoxing Liu, Qiang Hou, Dynamical analysis of a mathematical model of disease spreading on networks with symptomatic and asymptomatic infectors,Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2020;1-15. 

12、Lei Zhang, Maoxing Liu, Qiang Hou, Asma Azizi, Yun Kang, Dynamics of an SIS network model with a periodic infection rate, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 89 (2021) 907-918. 

13、Lei Zhang, Maoxing Liu, Qiang Hou, Optimal control of an SIQRS epidemic model with three measures on networks, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2021, 89(4): 2967–2977. 

14、Maoxing Liu, Xinjie Fu, Yongzheng Sun, Dynamical analysis of an SIS epidemic model with migration and residence time, International Journal of Biomathematics, 2021. 

15、Rong Yuan, Yangjun Ma, Congcong Shen, Jinqing Zhao, Xiaofeng Luo, Maoxing Liu, Global dynamics of COVID-19 epidemic model with recessive infection and isolation, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 18(2):1833-1844, 2021. 

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