



发文时间:2021-03-14 撰稿人:

(1) LIU Fei; Stress Ratio-strain Relation of Pile and Composite Foundation, 中国矿业大学学报(英文版), 2004-12-1. (期刊论文)

(2) 刘飞; 王海飚; 翁丽娅*;基于小波理论对混凝土损伤特性的试验研究, 岩石力学与工程学报, 2005(14): 2581-2587. (期刊论文).

(3) LIU Fei; A studay on strength of cement-soil mixed with lime and fly-ash based on intuitive method, proceedings of the 4th international conference on contemporary problems in architecture and construction, 2012-9-24. (会议论文)

(4) LIU Fei; The maintenance of Manual Excavation for Repair Shaft in Tunnel Shield, 圣彼得堡国际会议论文集, 2013-6-6. (会议论文)

(5) LIU Fei;WEI Changyi*;THE APPLICATION OF CIRCULAR ARC FAILURE NOMOGRAM IN THE ROCK SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS, 7th International Conference on Contemporary Problems of Architecture and Construction, 2015,12: 179-184. (会议论文)

访问量: 开通时间 :2021-03-14 最后更新时间 :2021-03-14