发文时间:2020-05-06 撰稿人:
  1. Wang, H ; Li, X  ; Gong, ZY  ; Wang, XL ; Liang, H.,* ; Gao, DW., (JAN 2020): Co-metabolic substrates enhanced biological nitrogen removal from cellulosic ethanol biorefinery wastewater using aerobic granular sludges. ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY, 41: 3 389-399.

  2. Bo Peng, Hong Liang*, Shanshan Wang,Dawen Gao. (2020) : Effects of DO on N2O emission during biological nitrogen removal using aerobicgranular sludge via shortcut simultaneous nitrification and denitrification. ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY.  41, (2) 251–259

  3. Liu, F.Q., Zhang, Y.P., Liang, H.,* Gao, D.W. (NOV 2019): Long-term harvesting of reeds affects greenhouse gas emissions and microbial functional genes in alkaline wetlands. Water Research, 164, 114936. IF=7.913

  4. Song, L.Q., Yao, Y.L., Lin,L., Gao, W.F., Cai, T.J., Liang, H.,* Gao, D.W. (SEP 2019): The potential source of nitrous oxide in the pristine riparian marsh during freeze-thaw cycles, case study in Northeast China, EcologicalEngineering, 134, 18-25

  5. Gao W.F., Yao Y.L., Liang H., * Song L.Q., Sheng H.C., Cai T.J., Gao D.W.( FEB 2019): Emissions of nitrous oxide from continuous permafrost region in the Daxing'an Mountains, Northeast China. Atmospheric Environment, 198, 34-45.

  6. Chen, C.H., Liang, H.,* Gao, D.W.* (AUG 2019): Community diversity and distribution of ammonia-oxidizing archaea in marsh wetlands in the black soil zone in north-east china. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 13(4),1-16.

  7. Song, L.Q., Yao, Y.L., Gao, W.F., Cai, T.J., Wang, Q.B., Fu, D.F., Sun, X.X., Liang, H.,* Gao, D.W. (JUN 2019): Effects of environmental variables on spatiotemporal variations of nitrous oxide fluxes in the pristine riparian marsh, northeast china. Wetlands, 39(3), 619-631.

  8. Wang, W.H., Zhang, H., Liang, H.,* Gao, D.W. (JUN 2019): Occurrence and fate of typical antibiotics in wastewater treatment plants in harbin, north-east china. FrontiersofEnvironmentalScience&Engineering, 13(3), 89-98.

  9. Liu, F.Q., Zhang, Y.P., Liang, H.,* Gao, D.W. (MAY 2019): Specific quorum sensing molecules of ammonia oxidizers and their role during ammonium metabolism in zhalong wetland, china. The Science of the total environment, 683, 834-836.

  10. Wang, W.H., Zhang, W.F., Liang, H.,* Gao, D.W.*( SEP 2019): Seasonal distribution characteristics and health risk assessment of typical antibiotics in the harbin section of the songhua river basin. Environmental Technology, 40(20), 2726-2737.

访问量: 开通时间 :2020-05-06 最后更新时间 :2020-05-06