发文时间:2025-01-17 撰稿人:


[1] Zhenkun Guo, Shuai Jiang, Yongjun Shen, Guoqing Jiang, Boya Xiao, Qi Xu, Meng Li. Nonlinear dynamic analysis and vibration reduction of two sandwich beams connected by a joint with clearance. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2025, 223: 111828.

[2] 郭振坤, 徐佳乐, 董挺*. 非对称铺设双稳态正交复合材料层合正方形板的静力学与动力学分析. 振动工程学报, 2024, 37(7): 1169-1181.

[3] Zhenkun Guo, Jiaqi Wen, Yongjun Shen, Guobiao Hu*, Guoqing Jiang. Band folding induced broadband vibration suppression of star-shaped metamaterials: theory and experiment. Thin-walled Structures, 2024, 198: 111756.

[4] Zhenkun Guo, Yuhua Wei, Ting Dong*, Xinhua Chen, Guoqing Jiang. Ultra-low-frequency vibration attenuation characteristics of multispan metamaterial dual-beam structures. Mechanics of Solids, 2024, 59(1): 431-444.

[5] Zhenkun Guo, Jiale Xu, Dongxing Cao, Ting Dong*, Wensai Ma. The static and dynamic regimes of the bistable asymmetric cross-ply composite laminated plates. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2024, 31(7): 9005-9019.

[6] Zhenkun Guo, Jiaqi Wen, Guobiao Hu*, Dewen Yu, Yaowen Yang. Widening the band gaps of hourglass lattice truss core sandwich structures for broadband vibration suppression. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics-Transactions of the ASME, 2024, 145(6): 061002.

[7] 郭振坤*, 温佳琦, 董挺, 孙彦飞. 三跨点阵桁架夹芯梁结构主动振动控制. 力学与实践, 2023, 45(3): 644-650.

[8] 郭振坤*, 温佳琦, 张军, 董挺. 一种预变形周期刚架结构振动带隙特性分析. 哈尔滨工程大学学报, 2022. 

[9] Ting Dong, Zhenkun Guo*, Meng Li, Guoqing Jiang. Study on snap-through actuation for the bistable composite laminated shell-MFC assembly. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2022, 30(7): 1299-1308.

[10] 郭振坤, 李凤明*. 超材料结构的弹性波带隙主动调控研究进展. 科学通报, 2021, 67(12): 1249-1263..

[11] Zhenkun Guo, Guobiao Hu, Vladislav Sorokin*, Lihua Tang*, Xiao-Dong Yang, Jun Zhang. Low-frequency flexural wave attenuation in metamaterial sandwich beam with hourglass lattice truss core. Wave Motion, 2021, 104(5-6):102750.

[12] Zhenkun Guo, Guobiao Hu, Jingchao Jiang, Liuding Yu, Xin Li, Junrui Liang*. Theoretical and Experimental Study of the Vibration Dynamics of a 3D-Printed Sandwich Beam with an Hourglass Lattice Truss Core. Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering, 2021, DOI: 10.3389/fmech.2021.651998.

[13] Zhenkun Guo, Chunchuan Liu, Fengming Li*. Vibration analysis of sandwich plates with lattice truss core. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2019, 26(5): 424-429.

[14] Zhenkun Guo, Xiao-Dong Yang*, Wei Zhang. Dynamic analysis, active and passive vibration control of double-layer hourglass lattice truss structures. Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, 2020, 22(5): 1329-1356.

[15] Xiao-Dong Yang*, Zhenkun Guo, Wei Zhang, Yuan Ren, Melnik V.N. Roderick. Substitution method: A technique to study dynamics of both non-gyroscopic and gyroscopic systems. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2019, 458: 510-521.

[16] Zhenkun Guo, Guobiao Hu, Vladislav Sorokin, Yi, Yang, Lihua Tang*. Sound transmission through sandwich plate with hourglass lattice truss core. Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, 2021, 23(6): 1902-1928.


[1] 郭振坤, 温佳琦, 陈新华, 白堂博. 一种减振频段灵活可调的低频减振周期钢架结构, 2022-7-13, CN202210693847.7 

[2] 郭振坤, 张晨, 陈新华, 蒋国庆. 一种禁带频率可调的减振超材料点阵夹芯梁, 2022-1-28, CN202111244044.5 


[1] 郭振坤, 蒋帅, 魏玉华. 机械脉动监测平台, 2024-11-22, 2024SR1867628

[2] 郭振坤, 褚程程, 蒋帅, 朱铎. 稳态振动调控软件, 2025-1-7, 2025SR0029117

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