发文时间:2025-01-05 撰稿人:

1. 第一/通讯作者论文

[36] P. D. N. Silva, S. Guo*, B. G. S. A. Pradeep, Stability analysis of a delayed HIV dynamic model with saturation infection rate, absorption effect and cure rate, submitted. 

[35] 郭松柏, 薛磊磊, 崔景安, 具有疫苗接种和标准发生率的疟疾传播的时滞微分方程模型的动力学分析, 工程数学学报, in press.

[34]  S. Guo, M. He, F. Li, Threshold dynamics of a time-delayed dengue virus infection model incorporating vaccination failure and exposed mosquitoes, Appl. Math. Lett., 161 (2025) 109366.

[33] S. Guo, Q. Pan, J.-A. Cui, P. D. N. Silva, Global dynamics and optimal control of a dengue transmission model with standard incidence rates and self-protection, Math. Method. Appl. SCI., 48 (1) (2025) 699-715.

[32]  K. Guo, S. Guo*, Lyapunov functionals for a general time-delayed virus dynamic model with different CTL responses, Chaos, 34 (2024) 053138.

[31] Y. Xue, S. Guo*, A simple proof of monotonicity for remainder of Stirling's formula, arXiv: 2307.08458, 2023.

[30] S. Guo, Y. Xue, X. Li, Z. Zheng, Dynamics of a COVID-19 model with asymptomatic infection and quarantine measures, arXiv:2209.05240, 2022.

[29] S. Guo, Y. Xue, X. Li, Z. Zheng, A novel analysis approach of uniform persistence for an epidemic model with quarantine and standard incidence rate, Acta Math. Appl. Sin.-E., 40 (3) (2024) 695-707.

[28] 郭松柏, 薛玉玲, 何敏, 崔景安, 考虑疫苗接种和失效的疟疾传播动力学建模与分析, 应用数学学报, 47 (1) (2024) 1-11.

[27] C. Xu, K. Cheng, Y. Wang, M. Liu, X. Wang, Z. Yang, S. Guo*, Analysis of the current status of TB transmission in China based on an age heterogeneity model, Math. Biosci. Eng., 20 (11) (2023) 19232-19253.  (SCI)

[26] L. Xue, L. Sun, S. Guo*, Dynamic effects of asymptomatic infections on malaria transmission, Math. Comput. Simulat., 214 (2023) 172-182.  (SCI)

[25] S. Guo, Y. Xue, R. Yuan, M. Liu, An improved method of global dynamics: analyzing the COVID-19 model with time delays and exposed infection, Chaos, 33 (5) (2023) 053116.  (SCI)

[24]  S. Guo, X. Yang, Z. Zheng, Global dynamics of a time-delayed malaria model with asymptomatic infections and standard incidence rate, Electron. Res. Arch., 31 (6) (2023) 3534-3551.   (SCI)

[23] S. Guo, M. He, J.-A. Cui, Global stability of a time-delayed malaria model with standard incidence rate, Acta Math. Appl. Sin.-E., 39 (2) (2023) 211-221.  (SCI)

[22] S. Guo, J.-A. Cui, W. Ma, An analysis approach to permanence of a delay differential equations model of microorganism flocculation, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst.-Ser. B, 27 (7) (2022) 3831-3844.  (SCI)

[21] Q. Lin, B. Deng, J. Rui,  S. Guo, et al., Epidemiological characteristics and transmissibility of human immunodeficiency virus in Nanning City, China, 2001– 2020, Front. Public Health, 9 (2021) 689575. (共同第一作者, SCI; SSCI)

[20] Y. Bai, X. Wang, S. Guo*, Global stability of a mumps transmission model with quarantine measure, Acta Math. Appl. Sin.-E., 37 (4) (2021) 665-672.  (SCI)

[19] J.-A. Cui, S. Zhao, S. Guo*, et al., Global dynamics of an epidemiological model with acute and chronic HCV infections, Appl. Math. Lett., 103 (2020) 106203.  (SCI)

[18] S. Guo, W. Ma, Remarks on a variant of Lyapunov-LaSalle theorem, Math. Biosci. Eng., 16 (2) (2019) 1056-1066.  (SCI)

[17] S. Guo, W. Ma, X.-Q. Zhao, Global dynamics of a time-delayed microorganism flocculation model with saturated functional responses, J. Dyn. Differ.  Equ., 30 (3) (2018) 1247-1271.  (SCI)

[16] S. Guo, W. Ma, Global dynamics of a microorganism flocculation model with time delay, Commun. Pur. Appl. Anal., 16 (5) (2017) 1883-1891.  (SCI)

[15] S. Guo, W. Ma, Global behavior for delay differential equations model of HIV infection with apoptosis, Discrete Cont. Dyn.-B, 21 (1) (2016) 103-119.   (SCI)

[14] S. Guo, P. Xu, Z. Zheng, Y. Gao, Estimation of flow velocity for a debris flow via the two-phase fluid model, Nonlinear Proc. Geoph., 22 (1) (2015) 109-116.  (SCI)

[13] S. Guo, Y. Shen, X. Li, A note on complete monotonicity of the remainder in Stirling's formula, Math. Notes, 97 (6) (2015) 961-964.  (SCI)

[12] S. Guo, W. Ma, B.G.S.A. Pradeep, Complete characterizations of the gamma function, Appl. Math. Comput., 244 (2014) 912-916.  (SCI)

[11] S. Guo, W. Ma, B.G.S.A. Pradeep, Necessary and sufficient conditions for oscillation of neutral delay differential equations, Electron. J. Differ. Eq., 2014  (138) (2014) 1-12.  (SCI)

[10] S. Guo, Y. Shen, B. Shi, Necessary and sufficient conditions of oscillation in first order neutral delay differential equations, Abstr. Appl. Anal., 2014, Article ID 623713, 2014, 5 pages.  (SCI)

[9] S. Guo, Y. Shen, B. Shi, Monotonicity and boundedness of remainder of Stirling's formula, J. Interdiscip. Math., 17 (4) (2014) 345-353.  (EI)

[8] S. Guo, Y. Shen, On sums of powers of odd integers, J. Math. Res. Appl., 33 (6) (2013) 666-672.  (CSCD)

[7] 郭松柏, 沈有建, 一阶中立型差分方程振动的充分必要条件, 应用数学学报, 36 (5) (2013) 840-850.  (CSCD)

[6] 豆可可, 郭松柏*, 一阶中立型时滞差分方程振动的充分必要条件, 数学的实践与认识, 43 (12) (2013) 264-268.  (CSCD)

[5] 郭松柏, 沈有建, 1624号问题的研究, 数学通报, 51 (4) (2012) 62-63.  (中文核心)

[4] 郭松柏, 沈有建, 关于数列{[n]√(a_{n})}的不等式, 大学数学, 27 (6) (2011) 146-149.

[3] 郭松柏, 陈国慧, 一类三角级数的收敛性, 高等数学研究, 14 (3) (2011) 13-15.

[2] 郭松柏, 沈有建, 自然数方幂和的通项公式, 高等数学研究, 13 (1) (2010) 61-63.

[1] 郭松柏, 沈有建, n!与n的幂指之间的关系, 海南师范大学学报 (自然科学版), 22 (3) (2009) 245-249.

2. 合作者论文

[28] 代莲娇, 程科登, 许传青, 郭松柏, 基于异质性动力学模型的乙肝疫苗接种效果评估研究, 数学的实践与认识, in press.

[27] C. Xu, L. Dai, S. Guo, et al., Monitoring the status of multi-wave Omicron variant outbreaks — 71 countries, 2021–2023, China CDC Weekly, 6 (41) (2024) 1054-1058.

[26] 王晓静, 李佳慧, 闫慧林, 郭松柏, 梁宇, 陈靖宜, 一类具有疫苗接种和环境传播的新型冠状病毒肺炎模型的动力学分析, 工程数学学报, 41 (3) (2024) 458-468.

[25] 李佳慧, 王晓静, 郭松柏, 梁宇, 郭德玉, 具有媒体播报效应的埃博拉传染病模型的动力学分析, 华中师范大学学报(自然科学版), 58 (3) (2024) 298-303.

[24] C. Xu, K. Cheng, L. Dai, S. Guo, X. Liu, Demand assessment of the number of inpatient beds in China based on the COVID-19 dynamical model, Int. J. Biomath., (2023) 2350098. Doi: 10.1142/S1793524523500985.

[23] X. Wang, J. Li, S. Guo, M. Liu, Dynamic analysis of an Ebola epidemic model incorporating limited medical resources and immunity loss, J. Appl. Math. Comput., 69 (2023) 4229-4242.

[22] C. Xu, Z. Zhang, X. Huang, K. Cheng, S. Guo, et al., A study on the transmission dynamics of COVID-19 considering the impact of asymptomatic infection, J. Biol. Dynam., 17 (1) (2023) 2244980.

[21] C. Xu, Y. Wang, K. Cheng, X. Yang, X. Wang, S. Guo, et al., A mathematical model to study the potential hepatitis B virus carriers and effect of vaccination strategies in China, Vaccines, 11 (10) (2023) 1530.  (SCI)

[20] 王晓静, 梁宇, 郭松柏, 等, 一类具有疫苗接种的双菌株流感模型的动力学分析, 河南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 51 (3) (2023) 48-55.  (中文核心)

[19] 陈靖宜, 王晓静, 郭松柏, 等, 一类具有早期筛查的丙型肝炎传染病模型分析, 北京建筑大学学报, 39 (3) (2023) 97-104.

[18] 王晓静, 陈靖宜, 郭松柏, 等, 一类具有时滞的急慢性丙型肝炎传染病模型的动力学分析, 信阳师范学院学报(自然科学版), 36 (2) (2023) 220-225.  (中文核心)

[17] Y. Sheng, J.-A. Cui, S. Guo, The modeling and analysis of the COVID-19 pandemic with vaccination and isolation: a case study of Italy, Math. Biosci. Eng., 20 (3) (2023) 5966-5992.   (SCI)

[16]  王晓静, 梁宇, 郭松柏, 等, 一类具有隔离措施的COVID-19传染病模型的动力学分析, 安徽大学学报(自然科学版), 46 (6) (2022) 12-20.   (中文核心)

[15] Z. Zhang, X. Huang, C. Xu, X. Wang, S. Guo, Estimating new cases among athletes during the Winter Olympics based on a dynamic model—Beijing, China, February 2022, China CDC Weekly, 4 (30) (2022) 660-664.  (SCI)

[14] R. Liu, W. Ma, S. Guo, Regime shifts between oscillatory persistence and extinction in a stochastic chemostat model with periodic parameters, J. Appl. Anal. Comput., 12 (4) (2022) 1418-1433.  (SCI)

[13] 闫慧林, 王晓静,  郭松柏, 等, 一类具有疫苗接种和隔离措施的新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)模型的研究, 数学的实践与认识, 52 (5) (2022) 84-91.

[12] 崔景安, 冯振洲, 郭松柏, 丙型肝炎病毒感染流行病学模型的全局动态, 河南师范大学(自然科学版), 50 (2) (2022) 1-6.  (中文核心)

[11] J. Cui, Y. Wu, S. Guo, Effect of non-homogeneous mixing and asymptomatic individuals on final epidemic size and basic reproduction number in a meta-population model, Bull. Math. Biol., 84 (2022) 38.  (SCI)

[10] J. Lv, S. Guo, J. Cui, J. P. Tian, Asymptomatic transmission shifts epidemic dynamics, Math. Biosci. Eng., 18(1) (2021) 92-111.  (SCI)

[9] 崔景安, 吕金隆, 郭松柏, 等, 新发传染病动力学模型-应用于2019新冠肺炎传播分析, 应用数学学报, 43 (2) (2020) 147-155.  (CSCD)

[8] J. Cui, C. Ying, S. Guo, Y. Zhang, L. Sun, M. Zhang, J. He and T. Song, Influence of media intervention on AIDS transmission in MSM groups, Math. Biosci. Eng., 16 (5) (2019) 4594-4606.  (SCI)

[7] J. Cui, Y. Zhang, Z. Feng, S. Guo, Y. Zhang, Influence of asymptomatic infections for the effectiveness of facemasks during pandemic influenza, Math. Biosci. Eng., 16 (5) (2019) 3936-3946.  (SCI)

[6] K. Song, W. Ma, S. Guo, H. Yan, A class of dynamic model describing microbial flocculant with nutrient competition and metabolic products in wastewater treatment, Adv. Differ. Equ., 2018 (2018) 33.  (SCI)

[5] W. Cheng, W. Ma, S. Guo, A class of virus dynamic model with inhibitory effect on the growth of uninfected T cells caused by infected T cells and its stability analysis, Commun. Pur. Appl. Anal., 15 (3) (2016) 795-806.  (SCI)

[4] D. Li, W. Ma, S. Guo, Stability of a mathematical model of tumor-induced angiogenesis, Nonlinear Anal.-Model., 21 (3) (2016) 325-344.  (SCI)

[3] B.G.S.A. Pradeep, W. Ma, S. Guo, Stability properties of a delayed HIV model with nonlinear functional response and absorption effect, J. Natl. Sci. Found. Sri, 43 (3) (2015) 235-245.  (SCI)

[2] 成文波, 马万彪, 郭松柏, 一类感染细胞诱导未感染细胞凋亡的时滞微分方程病毒动力学模型稳定性的吸引域估计, 四川师范大学学报(自然科学版), 39 (2) (2016) 202-208.  (中文核心)

[1] 邰晓东, 马万彪, 郭松柏, 闫海, 尹春华, 微生物絮凝的时滞动力学模型与理论分析, 数学的实践与认识, 45 (13) (2015) 198-209.  (中文核心)

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