



发文时间:2024-03-01 撰稿人:

1. Fu, Shichen*; Li, Yiming; Zhang, Minjun; Zong, Kai; Cheng, Long; Wu,Miao; Ultra-wideband pose detection system for boom-type roadheader based on Caffery transform and Taylor series expansion , Measurement Science and Technology, 2018, 29(1): 0-015101. (JCR二区SCI期刊,WOS检索号:000426777700001)
2. Fu, Shichen; Li, Yiming*; Zong, Kai; Liu, Chao; Liu, Dan; Wu, Miao; Ultra-wideband pose detection method based on TDOA positioning model for boom-type roadheader , AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 2019, 99: 70-80. (JCR二区SCI期刊,WOS检索号:000459235800009)
3. Fu, Shichen; Wu, Miao; Research of automatic directional excavation technology of boom-type roadheader, ICMEAT, 2015-6, London UK. (国际会议,WOS检索号: 000361105400015)
4. Fu, Shichen*; Li, Yiming; Zong, Kai; Zhang, Minjun; Wu, Miao; Accuracy analysis of UWB pose detection system for roadheader, Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument, 2017, 38(08): 1978-1987. (EI期刊,检索号:20174604388033)
5. Fu, Shichen*; Cheng, Long; Chen, Shenjin ; Whang, Pengjiang; Zong, Kai; Wu, Miao;Ultra-wideband pose collaborative detection method of roadheader, Journal of the China Coal Society, 2018, 43(10): 262-269. (EI期刊,检索号:20190906569940)
6. Fu, Shichen*; Li, Yiming; Wu, Miao; Research on autonomous positioning and orientation method of roadheader based on Ultra Wide-Band technology , Journal of the China Coal Society, 2015, (11): 2603-2610. (EI期刊,检索号:20160301816154)
7. Liu, Chao; Fu, Shichen*; Cheng, Long; Liu, Dan; Shen, Yang; Wu, Miao;Pose detection method based on hybrid algorithm of TSOA positioning principle for roadheader, Journal of the China Coal Society.2019, (4): 1255-1264. (EI期刊,检索号:20192407043538)
8. Shen, Yang; Fu, Shichen*; Wu, Miao; A Scheme of MEMS-SINS Initial Alignment Aided by Laser Spot Perception System for the Boom-Type Roadheader,Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2020.6. (SCI期刊,WOS:000546078400008)
9. Wang, Pengjiang; Fu, Shichen*; Wu, Miao; Multisensor information-based adaptive control method for cutting head speed of roadheader,Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2020.6. (SCI期刊,WOS:000561687200001)

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