



发文时间:2020-05-01 撰稿人:


1Guanghui Ding, Embodied Emancipation: Architecture, and Material Culture in Southern China (正在撰写中)

2)Charlie Xue and Guanghui Ding, A History of Design Institutes in China: From Mao to Market (London and New York: Routledge, 2018).

3)Guanghui Ding, Constructing a Place of Critical Architecture in China: Intermediate Criticality in the Journal Time + Architecture (Farnham, England; Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2015/London and New York: Routledge, 2016).




1Guanghui Ding, “Guangzhou Opera House: Building a Gated Public Space”, in Charlie Xue (ed.) Grand Theater Urbanism: Chinese Cities in the Twenty First Century (Singapore: Springer, 2019), 55-74.

2)Wenjun Zhi and Guanghui Ding, “Cultivating a Critical Culture: The Interplay of Time + Architecture and Contemporary Chinese Architecture”, in Sony Devabhaktuni, Xiaoxuan Lu, Nasrine Seraji, (eds.) From Crisis to Crisis: Debates on Why Architecture Criticism Matters Today (Actar Publishers, 2018), 123-137.

3)Charlie Q.L. Xue and Guanghui Ding, “From Mao to Market: The Evolution of China’s State-owned Design Institutes,” in Jianfei Zhu, Chen Wei and Li Hua (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Chinese Architecture (London and New York: Routledge, forthcoming).

4)丁光辉、贾敏,唤醒场地、激活历史:广州南越王墓博物馆和南越王宫博物馆中的身体体验, 李磷、薛求理主编,《当代中国的都市主义》,北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2017年,第78-91页.



  1. Guanghui Ding and Charlie Q.L. Xue, “Mediating production, teaching, and research: the role of university-run design institutes in Chinese architectural practice,” Architectural Research Quarterly, Volume 23, Issue 1, March 2019, 73-86.(AHCI)
  2. Guanghui Ding and Charlie Q.L. Xue, “China’s Design Institute as a Hybrid Organization: Between Bureaucracy and Charisma,” Domus, no. 4, 2019, 414-423.
  3. Charlie Q.L. Xue, Guanghui Ding, Wei Chang and Wan Yan, “Architecture of “Stadium Diplomacy”: China-aid sport buildings in Africa,” Habitat International, Volume 90, August 2019, 1-11. (SSCI)
  4. Wei Chang, Charlie Q.L. Xue, and Guanghui Ding, “Architecture of Diplomacy: Chinese Construction Aid in Asia, 1950–1976,” ARENA Journal of Architectural Research, 4(1), p.3. DOI: http://doi.org/10.5334/ajar.147
  5. Guanghui Ding and Charlie Q.L. Xue, “China’s Architectural Aid: Exporting a Transformational Modernism,” Habitat International, 47, 2015, 136-147. (SSCI)
  6. Guanghui Ding, “Experimental Architecture in China,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, vol. 73, no. 1, 2014, 28-37. (AHCI)
  7. Guanghui Ding, Jonathan Hale and Steve Parnell, “Constructing a Place for Critical Practice in China: The History and Outlook of the Journal Time + Architecture,” Architectural Research Quarterly, vol. 17, no. 3/4, 2013, 237-252. (AHCI)



  1. 丁光辉,重塑现代主义建筑话语:《建筑师》杂志的作用与贡献,1979-1989,《建筑师》,2019年第200期,第45-53页。
  2. 丁光辉,批评性建筑再阐释:公共体验的解放,《新建筑》,2019年第3期,第35-39页。
  3. 丁光辉,批评的极限:《时代建筑》与“中间阶段”的批评性,2019年第3期,第178-182页。
  4. 丁光辉,创造一个差异性的话语世界:《时代建筑》里的象山校园,《时代建筑》,2019年第2期,第155-159页。
  5. 丁光辉,再塑一种批评性过程:《时代建筑》里的建筑展览,2019年第1期,第178-181页。
  6. 丁光辉,薛求理,设计院作为一种混合型组织:在科层制与个人魅力之间,《时代建筑》,2018年第5期,第6-11页。
  7. 薛求理,丁光辉,常威,张璐嘉,援外建筑:中国设计院在海外的历程,《时代建筑》,2018年第5期,第42-49页。
  8. 丁光辉,构建一种批评性话语:《时代建筑》与当代中国的实验性建筑,《时代建筑》,2018年第3期,第116-120页。
  9. 丁光辉,培育一种批评性文化:《时代建筑》与建筑评论,《时代建筑》,2018年第2期,第172-176页。
  10. 丁光辉,一项被遗忘的作品:华揽洪设计的北京第二医学院,《建筑创作》,2017年第3期,第261-264页。
  11. 王国光,丁光辉,在宁静与狂放之间——对两个历史建筑扩建的平行阅读,《新建筑》,2011年2期,第6-10页。
  12. 丁光辉,开放与复杂的叙事:蓝天组作品浅析,《华中建筑》,2007年11期,第11-14页。
  13. 丁光辉,体验式消费的开放空间与城市环境的互动,《山西建筑》,2007年31期,第56-58页。





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