发文时间:2023-09-28 撰稿人:
  1. Xiaoyan Chen, Giorgio Locatelli, et al. (2022). Firm and project innovation outcome measures in infrastructure megaprojects: An interpretive structural modelling approach. Technovation. 109, 102349. SSCI/ SCI, 影响因子: 11.373, 中科院分区1Top, ABS 3.
  2. Xiaoyan Chen, Qinghua He, et al. (2021). What motivates stakeholders to engage in collaborative innovation in the infrastructure megaprojects? Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 27(8): 579-594. SCI, 影响因子: 2.957, 中科院分区3.

  3. Qinghua He, Xiaoyan Chen*, et al. (2019). Managing social responsibility for sustainability in megaprojects: An innovation transitions perspective on success. Journal of Cleaner Production, 241, 118395. SCI, 影响因子: 9.297, 中科院分区1Top.

  4. Nannan Wang, Xiaoyan Chen*, et al. (2018). A Short-term Based Analysis on the Critical Low Carbon Technologies for the Main Energy-intensive Industries in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 171, 98-106. SCI, 影响因子: 9.297, 中科院分区1Top.

  5. Nannan Wang, Xiaoyan Chen*, et al. (2019). Public Private Partnerships, a Value for Money Solution for Clean Coal District Heating Operations. Sustainability, 11, 2386. SCI/SSCI, 影响因子: 3.251.

  6. Xiaoyan Chen, Qinghua He. (2022) An Exploratory Configurational Analysis of collaborative innovation in megaprojects. WBC CIB (International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction) conference 2022.

  7. Qinghua He, Xiaoyan Chen*, et al. (2020). How does megaproject social responsibility influence project performance in China: A moderated mediating model. ASCE CRC 2020. EI会议检索.

  8. Qinghua He, Xiaoyan Chen*. (2020). Motivations of collaborative innovation among stakeholders in infrastructure megaproject. 第十五届中国管理学年会.  中国知网检索.

  9. 高星林,陈小燕*. (2022). 港珠澳大桥主体工程国际合作策划与实践. 世界桥梁,50(1). 北大核心.

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