发文时间:2022-09-01 撰稿人:
  1. Xin Zhou, Shuai Tian, Jingjing An, et al. Comparison of different machine learning algorithms for predicting air-conditioning operating behavior in open-plan offices,
    Energy and Buildings, 251, 2021: 111347.
  2. Xin Zhou, Jiawen Ren, Jingjing An, et al. Predicting open-plan office window operating behavior using the random forest algorithm[J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2021, 42(2):102514.
  3. Xuyuan Kang,  Da Yan,  Jingjing An, et al. Typical weekly occupancy profiles in non-residential buildings based on mobile positioning data[J]. Energy and Buildings, 2021, 250(2):111264.
  4. Jingjing An, Da Yan,  Siyue Guo , et al. An improved method for direct incident solar radiation calculation from hourly solar insolation data in building energy simulation[J]. Energy and Buildings, 2020, 227:110425.
  5. Jingjing An, Da Yan, and Tianzhen Hong. Clustering and statistical analyses of air-conditioning intensity and use patterns in residential buildings. Energy and Buildings, 174 (2018): 214-227.
  6. Jingjing An, Da Yan, Tianzhen Hong, and Kaiyu Sun. A novel stochastic modeling method to simulate cooling loads in residential districts. Applied Energy, 206 (2017): 134-149.
  7. Jingjing An, Da Yan, Guangwei Deng, and Rui Yu. Survey and performance analysis of centralized domestic hot water system in China. Energy and Buildings 133 (2016): 321-334.
  8. 安晶晶, 燕达, 周欣, 孙开宇. 机械通风与自然通风对办公建筑室内环境营造差异性的模拟分析[J]. 建筑科学, 2015, 31(10):124-133.
  9. 安晶晶, 燕达, 洪天真, 孙开宇. 基于人行为模型的住宅小区冷负荷模拟方法研究[J]. 建筑科学, 2018, 34(10):18-25.
  10. 安晶晶, 燕达, 吴如宏, 孙红三. 实现非定常物性围护结构与基于状态空间法建筑热过程耦合计算方法研究[J]. 建筑科学, 2018, 34(10):121-129.
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